Thursday, December 6, 2012

Letters to B - Back Jacket Cover

Letters to B - from dad to daughter takes you through a journey in time. Suddenly facing life without his only child, Glenn finds his world turned upside-down and inside-out affecting him emotionally, financially, physically, and psychologically, a father seemingly left without a purpose.

Relying on past coping techniques for his bouts of depression, some good such as therapy, support groups, church, and friends, and some bad, alcohol and drugs, he continuously struggles on a day to day basis.

At the onset of the holiday season and the anniversary of his daughters disappearance, the pain is only intensified. Succumbing to the darkness seems to be more of a valid outlet then any other.

Its only after he finishes a blog update titled: "If I woke up dead would it really matter?" does he realize what must be done.

Glancing at a copy of his first book,  What it Means to be - STUCK IN NEUTRAL - A lifelong struggle, he takes to the keyboard once more. Willing himself to move forward, he begins a letter to his beloved daughter. What follows is an emotionally filled series of letters that takes you through their life together and how she changed his life forever not once but twice.

If you are a parent or lost someone dear to you, what would you say to them if you had the chance.

Read and relive this man's journey through the letters he writes to his daughter in Letters to B - from dad to daughter. A man's search for his daughter, himself, and his purpose in life.

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